Brand New Story



welcome to my blog! i'm Sara. this is blog where you will find nothing but fangirl stuffs. so just read. don't read more if you don't like the contents of my blog, but leave me a comment or follow my blog if you like themi very appreciate your visiting to my blog!

thank you for reading♪♪


闇黒の世界へ・・・ようこそ・・・ちゅん! (・◇・)


Rabu, 29 Juni 2011

Latenite's galau and sumthin NEW!!!

okeh, sebenernya acara galau-galauan ini terjadi... 2 hari yang lalu deh keanya. lupa juga soale. *bah* dan tau karena apa? inilah asal muasal kejadiannya...

akhir-akhir ini saya seneng banget dengerin lagu AYABIE yang dari Melody, yang judule 彼方、繋がる空へ (Kanata, tsunagaru sora e). biasa tuh lagu selalu luput dari pratian saya. lagunya enak sih, tapi belum 'ngena' aja rasanya. tapi lama-lama, enak juga nih lagu. akhirnya setelah saya pindain ke kurotaros (hempon saya), makinlah sering saya dengerin tuh lagu. seperti biasa yak, saya ngga pernah tau meaning suatu lagu, kecuali kalo saya pernah cari tau ato ada yang kasih tau. gitu deh. makin di dengerin ini ko lagunya keanya... gimanaaaaa gitu walopun saya ngga tau tuh lagu cerita soal apa. mana suara yumeh ku aduhai pisan lagi disitu~~ ( ´艸`) sampe berapa kali saya nulis stat galau di pisbuk saya, semisal:

彼方、繋がる空へ, lagu yang bikin saya makin males tidur. mfufufu"

trus yang ini:

"oh ma baby, you made me almost.... crying. i still haven't got the meaning well but your voice reach my heart...

eaa, maap kalo mendadak ada yang muntah, muntaber, apapalagi diare setelah baca stat saya yang kedua itu.... (_ _")

tapi serius loh, awalnya saya ngga tau itu lagu tentang apa, tapi gara-gara denger suara yumeh yang begitu *begimana?* saya jadi agak-agak gimana gitu. tapi baru inget ding! itu stat yang kedua keanya saya tulis pas udah dapet transletan liriknya. buat yang penasaran gimana lirik dan transletannya, nih saya taro deh...

Kaerimichi no BUS tei retsu ni hitori
Itsumo kimatteta watashi no tonari kuuseki

Onaji keshiki ga kako wo kasumaseteiku

"Zutto soba ni iru yo" "Kimi wo hanasanai" nante
Arifureta kotoba demo ureshikatta yo
Itsumade mo kiiteitakatta

Inakunatte zuibun tatsu kedo
Chanto genki shiteru ka na?

Sugiru jikan tada no omoide ni kawatteiku

Machi ni hibiku mune no itai kyoku
Denwa kaketa toki itsumo nagareta ano kyoku

Furikaesanai te ni wa sayonara no imi

"Sugu ni aeru kara" "Denwa wa suru kara" nante
Shinjitenakatta demo tsuyogatteta yo
Naitara kirawaresou de

Inakunatte zuibun tatsu kedo
Chanto genki shiteru ka na?

Wasureteshimau mae ni ichido dake aitai yo

Are kara sannen ga sugite kokoro no oku ni kakushita
"Waraeru ren'aidan" na no ni ima mo kawarenai kimochi

"Zutto soba ni iru yo" "Kimi wo hanasanai" nante
Arifureta kotoba demo ureshikatta yo
Itsumade mo kiiteitakatta

Inakunatte zuibun tatsu kedo
Chanto genki shiteru ka na?

Sugiru jikan tada no omoide ni kawatteiku

At the bus stop on the way home
A lone figure stands in the queue
Just as always, beside me
An empty seat

That changeless scenery has fogged over our bygone days

"I'll always be by your side" "I'll never leave you"
Such mundane phrases - and yet, I was happy
I wanted to hear them, over and over

It's been a while since you were gone
I wonder if you're doing well?

The time we spent together
Is changing into mere memories

A heart-wrenching song, resonating through the streets
The song that always played
Whenever I called you

A hand that doesn't wave back in return
Can only mean goodbye

"We'll meet again soon, so" "I'll call you"
Of course I didn't believe in those words
But I pretended to be tough
For, if I cried, you might have hated me

It's been a while since you were gone
I wonder if you're doing well?

Before it's all forgotten, I'd like to meet again, just once

Three years have passed since then
Hidden in the depths of my heart
Although I call it a "laughable love story"
Even now, my feelings remain unchanged

"I'll always be by your side" "I'll never leave you"
Such mundane phrases - and yet, I was happy
I wanted to hear them, over and over

It's been a while since you were gone
I wonder if you're doing well?

The time we spent together
Is changing into mere memories

Romaji lyric and translation credit to Kazzeh @LJ

berhubung English speaking ability saya cetek, jadi... ya okehlah, ngga heran dong ya di stat saya yang kedua itu saya bilang 'haven't got the meaning well' ya karena itu dong yaa...

tapi yang bikin saya makin mengharu-biru *lebe woy* lagi, itu pas saya baca transletan entri blog ntet yang berjudul sama dengan lagu yang sedang saya ceritain ini. saya inget waktu itu saya perna bula blog-nya ntet dia ada nulis entri yang judulnya kea gitu. dan lagi, berhubung kemampuan Nihon saya lebi ceterk lagi dari pada ingrish bahkan kalo diibaratkan lepel nyungsep kali yak. orz ya ngga saya baca deh. jadi makanya dan maka dari itu, sekarang saya taro deh transletannya dimari....

Intetsu: February 24, 2011
"Kanata, tsunagaru sora e" (To the sky that connects to you, in the distance)
2011-02-24 01:23:35

Well, tonight, I'll be talking about the new songs that I composed.
The images of the songs, and the themes of the lyrics.

"Kanata, tsunagaru sora e"

The theme of the song is a "melody call".
The song that you hear when you call someone, and it plays until the receiver picks up your call.

Here's an example.

Years ago, you were attached to someone, and there was this song that would always play whenever you called.
A song that played whenever you wanted to listen to that person's voice and called him up.

Some time has passed since you broke up with that person,
and there would be times when you would suddenly hear that song playing along the streets,
or when it's played at you in a shop, or when it's being used as the background music for something.

At those times, surely,
thoughts of that person would come floating into your mind, and you would think
"Back then, I used to listen to this almost everyday. I wonder how things are going for him now."

Whenever you were waiting for him. Or before you went to bed.
A song that you always heard whenever you called.
At the end, no matter how many times you called,
all you could hear was the looping melody call, but you never got to hear his voice.

"It's been years since all that has passed, but I wonder if I was what I am now, would I have been able to say anything back then"
you start to feel, as you reflect on a romance that had long ended.

Thinking about it, you start to realise that it's not just "I really liked him"
but also "Even now, I like him".

…and with such a story in mind, I wrote this song.

The sky is just something really common,
and it gives you the feeling that regardless of time and age, you are still connected.
A sound that accidentally catches your ears in an instant,
bringing back memories, and connecting your thoughts to that person far away in the distance.
Intetsu's entry translation credit to Kazzeh @LJ

buat yang ngerti, bagus. buat yang ngga ngerti yaudah deh, ngga usah dipaksain. (_ _。) yang jelas entrinya yang ini udah makin memperjelas pada saya mengenai story behind the song.

kalo dipikir-pikir, biasanya pan yak, kalo ada orang yang sedih sama ato apa ya... 'punya feeling' sama satu lagu kan berarti dia pernah berada di suatu situasi ato pernah ngalamin kea yang ada di lagu itu sendiri. kalo saya ngga. kalo saya pikir tuh lagu sedih, ya saya pernah sambil dengerin sampe nangis. kalo lagunya bertemakan positif, ya bisa saya senyum-senyum trus seharian. gitu deh. tapi nih lagu biasa aje yeh keanya. bodo ah. abisnya menurut kacamata saya *ohya baru inget, saya ngga pake kacamata ya* nih lagu kata-katanya dalem banget. nancep lah *cailaaah*. gitu deh yaaaa, itu menurut saya aja loh yaaaa. kalo ada yang beda pendapat okelah. no problemo.

ohya lanjut...

dan gara-gara lagu ini pulak, saya ngirim puchime ke yumeh saya tercintah. setelah sekian lama, huu...

isinya dong, gombal mati-matian! lol. mo baca? silakan....


Yumechun, do you know? these days i always listen AYABIE's song 彼方、繋がる空へ。

at first i did not like that song so much. but it does not mean that i hate that song. but i listen that song rarely. but finally i listen that song. and, yeah, that song oh so easy listening. (´∀`) and also, 夢ちゅんの声はとてもいいね。(*⌒∇⌒*)

but at that time, i still don not know about the meaning of that song. and finally i try to find the Romaji lyric and the the English translated lyric since i can not understand Nihon well. (^^ゞ

after i read the lyric and listening that song in the same time, i really happy. i don not know why... (*^.^*)

but after i read the translation of the lyric and Intetsu's entry about that song, i was... oh, oh.... (*゚ー゚*) and again, i listen the song. you know? i almost crying..... (ノω・、) that song is so touching! and Yumechun voice too.... so touching.....(//・_・//)

and now, i listen that song everyday. wwww

that song really calming me down. (´∀`)

thank you for whoever who have created that song. 夢ちゅんもその曲を歌ありがとう。although i have not understand the meaning of that song at first but your feeling has reached me. (///____//)

okay that's all. wish a very nice day for Yumechun today!


★ Sarah - Indonesia ★

p.s.: 夢ちゅん、あーいーしーてーるー。(//__//)

bwakakakakkakakak!! ujung-ujungnya doooooongg lieeeeeet~~ P.S.: I LOVE YOU, kea judul pelem ajeh!! xDDDD *ngakak sendiri*

tadinya saya mo ngiri puchimenya di hari itu juga, hari dimana saya masih galau-galaunya. tapi karna udah mo pagi, jadi yaudah deh, besop-besop aja. tapi gara-gara ngirim surat cinta puchime-nya tertunda, akhirnya saya ng-stat begini deh...

"just like the song that i listen now, 'i love you so' ma baby~

ng-stat saat galau menghasilkan stat yang galau dan njiji'i pula... (-。-;)

oh yumechun, ma sweetest baby, you galau me so well.... (;´Д`)ノ

yak sekian dulu soal galau-galauan yumeh dan lagunya.... pokoke, siapapun itu yang uda nyiptain lagunya *keanya sih ntet*, saya ucapkan TERIMA KASIH! buat yumeh yang nyanyiin juga, sankyu ma baby~ :*

something new? okay, do you know about this one?

cropped from their OHP. lol. effective way till nowday.

DOG'S NEW LOOK!!!! (*゜▽゜ノノ゛☆ ...but wait, sumthin more impotant than it! THEY HAVE NEW MEMBEEEEEERRR!!!! ヽ(。д゜)ノギャアアア!

namanya (kalo saya ngga salah tebak ya) Kanna. posisinya ngga tau, keanya sih drum. drum? j,jadi.... NGGA BAKAL ADA TERUKI LAGI DWOOOOOONGGSS!!! orz lalu bagaimana kelanjutan hubungan mei sama teruki dong kalo ngga ada teruki lagi? *bah* jangan-jangan malah... apa kanna kah yang akhirnya jadi sama mei?? oh nnoooooo~~~ #abaikan

yaudin, dari pada makin ngelantur ada baiknya saya akhiri hidup saya entri yang makin hari makin gejeh saja ini.

dan hari ini, HARI INI SODARA-SODARA, PENGUMUMAN SNMPTN 2011!!! so, doakan saya salah satu dari pemilik bangku PTN alias LULUS!! KALO LULUS, ....kalo lulus..... ok, kalo lulus, sodara-sodara, SAYA AKAN BAKAL LEBIH NYAMPAH DI SINI!! JANJI PELAUT!!! *janji ngga mutu* xDD


p.s.: pas lagi asik-asiknya ng-galau soal lagu 'kanata, tsunagaru sora e', eh playlist saya malah maenin lagu itu pulak. jodoh pisan lah sama tuh lagu. sama yang nyanyi juga... *AKHEM!* amin.... ( ̄▽ ̄)=3

BGM: 彼方、繋がる空へ。- AYABIE; I Love You So - Plastic Tree; I Miss U - xTRiPx ♪♪ *kalap*

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