Brand New Story



welcome to my blog! i'm Sara. this is blog where you will find nothing but fangirl stuffs. so just read. don't read more if you don't like the contents of my blog, but leave me a comment or follow my blog if you like themi very appreciate your visiting to my blog!

thank you for reading♪♪


闇黒の世界へ・・・ようこそ・・・ちゅん! (・◇・)


Senin, 13 Juli 2009


cek, cek, satu-dua..
oh, oke, sepp!

Yay! Moshi-moshi, minna-san! yah, sapa pun itu yang mengunjungi blog ini..
just for introduce myself, sarah d sini. uhm, bingung mo bwt pa sbener'a..
yep, it's my 2nd blog. blog q yang pertama dah nyaris mati, soal'a jarang posting.

untuk yang k-dua kalinya, pesan moral: jangan telantarkan blog, walopun itu cuma blog.
krena kalo dah lama gak d isi, pasti bgitu mo posting lagi bingung mo nulis yang mana dulu..

sekian dulu postingan are niy..
d lanjutkan....
yah, ntah kapan..

0 Secret Whisper:

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