okeh, entry blog saia kali ini yakin deh, PASTI ISINYA RANDOM KABUEH!! BWAKAKAKAKAKAK!! xDD
macem-macem yang mo saia ceritain soale. ehee, diantaranya.....
★ 私の恋人(baca: Yumehito *plakk!*)の誕生日と彼についても
HURRAAAH!! tanggal 22 September kemarin ulang taonnya my beloved CHUNTIL a.k.a NCHUN a.k.a MOROBOSHI YUMEHITO!! *digampar gara-gara ngubah nama orang seenak udel* nyaaaaw, jadi sebagai
sayang banget ngga saia warnain. tapi beneran deh, aku udah janji sama dia, ntar aku warnain. nyahahahak, perjuangan buat ngasih nih gambar sama dia susah amir deh pokoke! yang ngaplot ke ameblo ngga bisa-bisa dan akhirnya malan ngaplot ke twitter saia, trus saia tag ke dia. semoga dia lihaaaaaaaaat~~~!!! 8(≧∀≦)8 ohya, malah pas beberapa bulan lalu, pas baru-baru suka si chuntil, saia udah planning buat bikin kue ulang taon buat dia juga. bikin sendiri kalo bisa! *tapi apa daya, saia nge-kost. ngga ada duit sama peralatan buat bikin gituan...* =3="
trus, kemaren saia sempet bikin penmel buat dia. beginilah isi penmel
夢君、こんばんわ!!(*^ー^)ノajegilee.... mana saia pake promosyong-in twitter segala lagi.... *facepalm*
あいぇ、夢君、ハピバー、お誕生日おめでとう、Selamat ulang tahun、Bon Anniversaire!!(≧▽≦)
今年あなたは25歳ですね!www. (^ε^)
may God always gives you a good condition, health, success in your carreer, happiness in your life, and many good people around you who always loves you *included me. 笑* (`∀´) amiiin.....
and not forget to congrats you on your 10000 entries. great! finally you reach it! congratulation!
*although i know well that your entries must be over 10000. lol* ( ̄▽+ ̄*)
ah, as my promise that i said on my puchime before, as a birthday present for you, i will make a fan-art of you. you know? i finally have finished it! ヽ(゜▽、゜)ノヤッタ but i haven't scanned it (tomorrow i will scan it!) i drew you in your new outfit. (*v*)b
but, because of i just have a very little material (paper and pencil color), so i drew it on a writting paper.... with no color. well, i just gave shading on it. sorry if my drawing bad~!!! m(>_<)m ゴメナサイ! hope you still like it though.... (^^ゞ
and... honestly, some months before your birthday, i have planned that i would make a little birthday cake complete with the candle for your birthday. but i can't.... (iДi) maybe next year. 笑.
sorry for this very long puchime! (^o^;)
have a great birthday! ('-^*)/
ByeBye, おやしみなちゅん! (・◇・)
★ Sara - Indonesia ★
p. s. : about the fan-art for you, i will post it on my Ameblo or my Twitter @kuroboshi_sara , i have followed you! (b^-゜)
ohya, tadi saia baru baca blog-nya *seperti biasa* tapi aneh banget deh... mana disalah satu entry-nya *ngga inget tanggal ato jam berapa* itu ada poto gedung kea rumah tapi gede, warnanya putih. trus dia cuma nulis 「ここはどこえますか?」 artinya kira-kira, "ini dimana?" trus di-entry yang selanjutnya, ada poto pohon pisang, kurang ngerti isinya paan. tapi keanya tadi pas ditranslet ada kata tersesat-tersesatnya gitu. (?_?)a trus yang selanjutnya ada poto bunga kembang sepatu. ngga ngerti dah dia ngomongin apa disitu. trus yang selanjutnya ada poto ini ↓
trus dia ngomong kalo ngga salah kira-kira, "wah, tinggal proses oven!" (?_?)a trus selanjutnya ada poto inih patung lagi *beda posisi* dia bilang, "ini bakal jadi jimat yang bagus!" (?_?)a oh, tunggu, tunggu! ini patung bukannya kalo ngga diletakin di kuil, di gedung apah kalo ngga.... di rumah. jangan-jangan..... dia sudah mempersiapkan rumah masa depan buat saia dan dia tinggalin nanti?? trus dia ini lagi nyiapin aksesoris rumahnya?? waduuuh, kenapa dia ngga bilang sama saia dulu siiiih~?? *CUIIH!!!* ahahahahak! trus entry-nya yang paling trakhir saia baca... makin bingung keanya. ada poto scenery gitu. bagus. kurang ngerti dia ngomonge, tapi saia kea nemu kata 'resort'?? apa dia sedang ada di resort?? yang bikin saia bingung disini.... KENAPA SAIA NGGA DIAJAK~~~??!! *plaaaaaakk!!!* xDDD
★ AYABIEについて
ah, mengenai entry saia yang ini, sepertinya saia udah dapet jawabannya dikit. jadi, inih saia dapet tranletan blog-nya kenjo sama ntet dari si kakak. nyuu, makasih!
AYABIEyap, semoga inpo ini dapat membantu~^^b
2010-09-17 12:06:47
To everyone who has been waiting for us.
At the start of this year, all the members came together to have a discussion, [i.e. As sudden as the announcement on the blogs had looked, it was not something that they suddenly decided to do. Aoi knew they were leaving the management and they had all agreed on it beforehand. He just did not know when exactly they were making the announcement.] and from the time that we decided that we would leave the management company and continue with the band on our own, the name of the band was already decided on. [They did not retain the name out of spite, or to hurt Aoi. Aoi himself has stated clearly on his blog that he will continue to support their activities.]
Of course, it was AYABIE.
In order to continue our activities as a band, we made many preparations. [K.Y, himitu_intetsu, etc] There were also differences in the direction we wanted to move in. These were members who had come to spend a long time with each other. Members who grew to respect each other. Even though it was only a few times, we were able to make time for discussions that involved only the members alone and not including the staff at the management or label. I am sure that none of us will forget the feelings we had when we received the various comments regarding this.
Perhaps, from what we have been saying, [Yumehito once said, back when K.Y's activities had just started, that they were for the sake of Ayabie's future activities. Similarly, Aoi has also said that his solo activities were for the sake of Ayabie.] some people might have expected the outcome to be this. Because we have been holding onto these feelings the whole time.
Our feelings towards music remain unchanged. To those who have always been by our side, our feelings towards you have also never changed.
If we no longer have the same feeling towards AYABIE right now we would not have though to continue activities under this name. It is precisely because we still have it, that we wanted to go through with this.
For what we have not been able to do in our activities up to now, and for all the worry that we have caused everyone, we would like to repay it with our activities from now onwards.
Our first live on October 22nd, and then our winter tour.
We are starting on recordings now, and recording our new songs at the studios. While widening our possibilities, we'd like to visualise them one by one this way.
It's a similar feeling as that time when I first had to compose. [When Ryouhei left due to musical differences.] It's the same winter season again, isn't it.
We want to show you that this is "AYABIE" for sure through our works.
We'd like to meet everyone soon. Please just wait for us a little longer.
T/N: As there have been many people wondering about this, I might as well add this here - no, there has been no announcement regarding who will be the new vocalist. The band does not plan to reveal this until their first live in October.
To all the fans
2010-09-17 12:00:27
I have an announcement about our 4-person band.
Our band name is
To the four of us, 彩冷える is an irreplaceable part of our lives. We chose a different path, but our wish to protect it hasn't changed.
After going major, due to administrative issues on the part of the company we signed on to, we weren't able to carry out our activities as 彩冷える. But we still haven't done all we'd wanted to with 彩冷える.From now on, with the four of us as AYABIE, we'd like to continue to make music for all of you fans. We've really made you anxious and worried, but we'll put all we have on the line to make this work, so please support us.
First it's the October 22nd live at Shibuya O-EAST, then the winter tour.
We're looking forward to making a new start with all of you.September 19 2010 Yumehito, Takehito, Intetsu, KENZO
So, with that said...
I'm back ☆
To mark this change in direction, my name will be written as
from today onwards.
Lots has happened, but this is our final answer!
What it is we want to communicating and create with all of you:
we'll be showing you our answer to those questions in the coming days.
For me..., there is a scene I'd like to see with all of you.
Well then, let's start on the continuation of our story (・∀・)
(source: ayabie diaries@LJ, special thanks for kizzu & kazzeh)
★ ぺタについて
kemarin ituh! lupa saia tanggal berapa, saia, untuk pertama kali dapet peta dari Kouki-nya D=Out!!! waaaah~ saia senaaaang~ walopun pens barunya D=Out, tapi justru itu saia senaaaang~!! xDDD
hari ini pun ngga kalah bagus.... (^~^)v
★ Phase Faithの1stワンマンLIVEにつういて
kemarin tanggal 22 September juga, Phase Faith baru ngadain their first one man live. whooaaaa~ OMEDETOU!! tapi saia jadi ngerasa bersalah, abisnya saia ngga ada ngasih ucepan selamet ato apah gitu. huuu.... pasti gara-gara terlalu sibuk sama ulang taonnya si nchun nih.... yah, apabolehbuat, walopun terlambat, NYUU, PHASE FAITH~ OMEDETOOOOU~!!!! untuk yang selanjutnya, semoga sukses! (>o<)9 berikut ini beberapa poto dari laip mereka nyeng maren (すべての画像下はKeiのブログから)
★ その他
here ne, some photos for my sis. aye aye!! xD
nih asli ngga yak?? kalo cuma editan... WAH, AO NARSIS!!
*soale temen saia juga perna bikin kea ginian juga* xDDD
dapet dari blog-nya Shin. itu dia gimana sih potonya? saia nyoba poto begitu ngga bisa-bisa. dan... eh, SHIN PAKE WINDOWS?! SAMAAA!! gahahaha! xDDD
Ryoppeee~!! kliatan COOL! *lopelopelope* d(*O*)b
dan disini, Ryoppe bener-kliatan COWO!!
dan disini, Ryoppe bener-kliatan COWO!!
ini KY.... apa yak, saia lupa. ada 2 huruf lagi harusnya. ahahahak, intinya di entry-nya yang ini si chuntil cuma bilang, "terimakasih karena sudah mendukung KY selama 3 bulan ini. untuk yang selanjutnya, terus dukung KY yak!" gitulah kurang lebih.... huu, honey~ i do always support what ever your activities, lah~ asal itu positip dan ngga bikin kamu capek... (>w<)b *perhatikan potonya bai-baik! yang kedua dari kiri itu wajahnya emang yang paling ceria yak! senangnyaaa~ x33* okeh, udah malem. saatnya saia tidur. mungkin. yah, kalo pun saia tidur, semoga mimpiin si chuntilku sayang lagi! ❤
wokeh, bye! ^^
wokeh, bye! ^^
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