Brand New Story



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闇黒の世界へ・・・ようこそ・・・ちゅん! (・◇・)


Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

terjawab sudah pertanyaan-pertanyaan saia....

gut eve!

cuma mo nge-post sebuah entry yang bisa dibilang... cukup bikin saia lega. masi seputer AYABIE sih, ehee... selamat membaca.... ^^b

the birth of AYABIE- text by kazzeh

I want to make this clear now before any more people go around spreading stories when they obviously have not been reading what the members have said:

The other 4 members did not choose the name AYABIE to spite Aoi.
They left the old 彩冷える because they had problems with the Tokuma management, and not because they had problems with Aoi. The members have stated very clearly in the interviews that they left Tokuma for the following reasons:

-The fanclub was not being managed properly. While during their indies days, the fanclub would have newsletters periodically at least 4 times a year, after changing over to donut spin, the fanclub has only distributed two "newsletters" so far to the fans in the form of DVDs. Fanclub ticket preorders weren't being handled properly, etc. The members felt that this was being unfair to the fans.

-While under Tokuma their activities were controlled by the management. While they didn't exactly feel that they were being forced to do things against their own will, the members got the feeling that it was not quite right as a band to be taking part in some of the projects (e.g. acting in a movie). In Yumehito's words, "Up to now, Ayabie felt more like we were being modified to be sellable", as opposed to them just producing music and then appealing to people through what they really are, and not what they were being moulded into.

The band, including Aoi, had thought of leaving the management since January~February this year.
This was their original decision.

When they came together to discuss this decision again in March,
Aoi said that he would not oppose the other four leaving the management, and that he was perfectly fine with them continuing on as Ayabie without him, but he would be staying on in Tokuma.
His reason for this was that he thought that even though things might not have turned out as they had expected, he still felt indebted to the staff and all the people who had worked hard for the sake of the band.

Although it was a difficult choice, the final conclusion was that they would have to part ways.
Retaining the name of AYABIE is the members' way of saying that they did not leave because they were sick of Ayabie; rather, it is because there are still many things they have been unable to do as Ayabie while under the Tokuma management, and they want to show these to the fans in the lives to come.
This is why they said "Our feelings towards music have not changed".

They were unable to hold a final live together due to the fact that the management had already planned Aoi's schedule for his solo projects, and they could no longer coordinate their schedules.

With regard to Yumehito and Kenzo's activities as K.Y, Yumehito has stated that the unit was for the sake of Ayabie. What he could not show to the fans while Ayabie was still under Tokuma, he presented to them through this unit.
Intetsu and Takehito were the staff for K.Y instead of participating in the project. At that point of time, it was already agreed upon between the management and the four members that they would be leaving. But in order not to make it look like it was a 4-1 situation against Aoi and have everyone thinking that there was some sort of a disagreement between the members, only Yume and Kenzo were to take part in the side project.

A couple of K.Y songs will be released under the name of AYABIE, and they will most likely be included in the album that they plan to release this year.
The title of the album is the same as their tour title - "Virgin Snow Color 2nd season".
This is because this situation is similar to when Ryouhei had left the band, and the members had to compose completely new songs for a tour and an album.
From now onwards, they will no longer play the songs released under 彩冷える. All the songs in the tour and album will be brand-new songs.

[thank you very much for edohsama.blogspot, Kazzeh, and Oktus]

jadi intinya:
- pertanyaan saia mengenai 'siapa yang salah, siapa yang bener' itu adalah: kesalahan menejmennya yang kurang bisa meng-handle fanclub. dan berlaku kurang adil sama para fans ayabie. dan juga udah bikin ayabie seperti...err... sellable. *oh damn, i hate it honestly* dan mereka (ayabie) ngga suka disuruh nglakuin hal yang ngga ingin mereka lakukan. karena mereka lebih senang dikenal karena kualitas musik mereka, bukan karena yang lain.
- pertanyaan saia mengenai 'kenapa mereka berempat sementara ao sendiri' itu karena: mereka bukan bermasalah sama ao. sebenernya mereka maunya keluar dari menejmen itu berlima. tapi ao-nya ngga enakan sama staff-nya. karena walogimanapun juga, mereka udah banyak bantu ayabie sampai sejauh ini. jadi, yaa... ao masi tetep di menejmen itu, sementara yang 4 lainnya lanjut ng-ben.
- pertanyaan saia mengenai 'sebelum bubaran, ko ngga ngadain farewell live dulu ' itu karena: menejmen tempat ao udah nyusun skedul buat solo-projek-nya ao. jadi karena sibuk gitu deh mungkin.... =P

saia lega. pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang selalu memenuhi kepala saia akhirnya terjawab juga. walopun ngga semuanya... xD

dan yang selalu saia bilang, walopun mereka berjalan berbeda arah, saia tetep mendukung mereka di jalan yang mereka tempuh masing-masing. oh, guys... never stop loving u, lah. ngahahaahahak! x33

setelah melihat statement diatas, saia makin penasaran sama the new AYABIE. ufufuffuufufu.... semoga mereka menjadi lebih baik daripada sebelumnya. buat ao juga, ganbarimasu!! (^∀^)b

ohyey, ngemeng-ngemeng soal ao, saia baru dapet full PV-nya Surrender Love...

oh yes, lagi-lagi ao made my heart beating so fast while watching *fengsan dengan hidung berdarah* sebenernya inih pv udah saia tonton tadi sore pas di warnet. tapi dasar warnet dodol, kagak ada hetset, spiker, ato apalah yang bisa ngluarin suara. sial, jadi ngga tau saia kea pegimana lagunya. mana koneksi lagi rada suka jelek. tapi untungnya sekarang ngga terlalu laah...tapi tapi, saia sempet denger dikit lagunya. anu... telinga saia yang rusak *emang* ato sense of music saia yang kurang sakti, ko tuh lagu kedengeran rada dangdut gitu yak?? *successly punched by ao* tapi terserahlah... toh saia baru denger berapa detik ko. saia yakin lagunya pasti bagus! dan yang lebih bagus lagi, di pv ini ngga ada cewe!! WASSEEEK!! *lempar cracker* tapi malah saia ngerasa ao malah kliatan seperti, err.... mbak-mbak mas-mas penjual perhiasan... *succesfully burned by ao* but after all, ao cakep, hot, memukau, charming, blink-blink, keren, dan..... aww~ saia suka bahunya ao~~ *again, successfully burned by... no, not ao, but my sister!* x33 kalo soal lagu, yah... saia masi berusaha menunggu selesai buffer pidionya *sigh*

okeh, sekian dulu entry yang-maksutnya-mo-nulis-dikit-aja-eh-rupanya-panjang-juga ini. saia bahagia. no more crying. no more sorrow. nyahahhahahak!! xDD

↑↑ poto paporit saia, dari blog-nya nchun ↑↑
*BGM potonya: "kemesraan ini~ janganlah cepat berakhiiir~"*



BGM: Brand New Story - 彩冷える ♪♪

2 Secret Whisper:

Rifka A.Y. mengatakan...

gyahaha xD
musik surrender love rada kea dangdut! XDDD
*d lempar speaker sama aoi*

huwoh~ diriku juga uda nemu ituh clear up-annya ayabie, tapi lom slese baca en males nrensletin xDa

tapitapih, sachi pernah baca note temen fb gichu, intet kea kaga mau ngedukung solo-nya aoi... =A=

piyokonyan mengatakan...

hweeeew, mahap lama bales! ini baru onlen blog soale~ >v<"

hakakakakak,abis rada aneh gitu lagunya~ *digeplak ao bertubi2* xDD

tapi kalo aku denger2 lagi malah kedengeran seperti lagu espanol(?) hanya ao dan tuhanlah yang tau itu lagu modelnya pegimana.... tapi tetep koo~ suka aku sama lagunya >w<b

hakakakkakak, aku sih karena emang udah ngebet banget pen tau. makanya walopun all inglish, sok paksain baca ae walopun rada bingung. tapi disitu pan udah aku tulis inti2 tulisannya. ^^b

ntet yak.... hm, aku juga ada perna denger soal dia yang pegimana2 sama ao. cuma aku ngga mo tau soal itu. hahahaahha, jadi aku lupa. xDDb

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