Brand New Story



welcome to my blog! i'm Sara. this is blog where you will find nothing but fangirl stuffs. so just read. don't read more if you don't like the contents of my blog, but leave me a comment or follow my blog if you like themi very appreciate your visiting to my blog!

thank you for reading♪♪


闇黒の世界へ・・・ようこそ・・・ちゅん! (・◇・)


Senin, 07 Juni 2010


peta kemarin, CAKEPP!! walopun nchun ngga ada beberapa dari orang-orang yang emang biasa ngasih saia.... ^^d

YAY! for the first time Kifumi from BORN visit my blog!! XDD

nguhuhuhuhuu.... Daiki,, tumben-tumbenan.... (*^o^*)

Sana dan Xi.... as usual. ^3^

fufufufufufufu,, sayang Sai ngga peta saia... >____<

betewe,, saia baru dapet poto dari blognya Kazma, ehee.....

nyaaa~ he's cute here neee~!!! X333

bwahahahhahahaa, okeh, enough for today. mahap lagi-lagi hobi nyampah saia kambuh. mahap juga buat yang baca (kalo ada) telah dirugikan karena membaca blog saia yang dari dulu ngga perna waras isinya. fufufuufufufufu.....


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